" – Peu importe d’où l’on vient. Il n’y a pas de tonique. Le thème et son développement ne sont qu’un mirage…
Il y a une musique toujours inattendue.
– Et les dissonances ?
– Dieu les a créées, elles aussi…"
Jaume Cabré - "Voyage d'hiver" - 2014

”La terre, il se pourrait bien après tout que ce soit une espèce
de merveilleux petit appareil enregistreur, plaçé là par on ne sait qui,
pour capter tous les bruits qui circulent mystérieusement dans l’Univers.”
Pierre Reverdy - ”En vrac” - 1929

”J’entends tous les bruits de la terre grâce à mes oreilles et mes nerfs de cristal
dans lesquels circulent le feu du ciel et celui des volcans.”
Michel Leiris - ”Le point cardinal” - 1927

"L'écoute, c'est l'ombre de la composition"
Pascal Dusapin - 2008

"Go, go, go! ... Go! go! ..."
John Lee Hooker"



The Cause of Labour

From the film The Miners' Hymns by Bill Morrison
with the famous music by Jóhann Jóhannsson.

Brass band music has a long association with North East England and with coal mining in particular. One of the earliest known bands was the Coxlodge Institute Band of County Durham, which was founded in 1808. The band played at a ball to celebrate the sinking of a mine shaft at Gosforth Colliery, Newcastle, in 1821, when three hundred people danced to their music 1,100 feet underground.

By the middle of the Nineteenth Century, music- making was, perhaps for the first time, a regular part of community life and not just a pastime for the upper or middle classes. Bands and choirs were springing up all over the country and their membership was predominantly from the working classes. By 1850 almost every village, mine and group of mills in the north of England had its own band and perhaps the majority of working-class bandsmen were miners.

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